Navigating my way through life ✨

Tuesday, 15 December 2020


 Oh hey! It's been a while!

I didn't keep up with this like I thought. My main platform is instagram (@laurasylv) I generally share most things there, however I'm a natural writer and I can't always express things fully with a limited amount of words to use in captions. So let's give this blog another go. It's a great way to get things out of your head, so you can move on with your day, or even your life..

This year really hasn't been 'the year' has it? It's been difficult for everyone, worldwide. It's still hard to grasp and accept, though at the same time, mask wearing, social distancing, thorough hand washing and not being able to see friends or family has become all too 'normal'. Ultimately I'm proud of myself for just getting through the year, that in itself is an achievement, and if you're reading this you should be proud of yourself too. I feel grateful for the position I'm in but it doesn't mean to say its been easy. I started the year in Bali, for what I thought was going to be a life changing, positive, magical experience - awakening, a rebirth ready to start my next phase/chapter of life, but it didn't quite go how I thought and ended sooner than planned. I spent all of February in sorrow and by march we was in a national lockdown.... Covid-19

I've tried to remain as positive as I can throughout, holding on to that glimmer of hope. I don't think any of us saw it going on this long, and the end is not in sight (yet) we have a vaccine, so that's great news, but it'll take a while to get round us all and who knows the full extent of it just yet, but here's to hoping 🤞🏻

It was my birthday in April and I oddly felt very positive, quite content and very grateful. The sun was shining which always makes a difference, and I felt optimistic. We started playing street bingo every Wednesday night which gave us all a boost, socially distanced of course, it was fun and lighthearted, just what everyone needed. The summer felt easier, it was nicer going for walks and being outdoors, nothing beats that vitamin D

Behind the scenes I've been studying and doing a lot of reading (not fiction books) learning and working more and more on self development. I completed a mindfulness diploma and a life coaching diploma. I've also been studying NLP (neuro-lingustic programming) and I can now call myself a certified NLP practitioner. I've been keeping my mind busy, I love to learn, I'm constantly wanting to know more about everything. More on this and why I'm doing it in another post..

We've had it rough up north, when we haven't been in a lockdown we've been in tier 3, which is basically the same, but with clothes shops open.. Not being able to see my friends or do 'normal' stuff, like go for a coffee, has really taken its toll throughout these darker and colder months and has had serious impact on my mental health. I'm someone that wants to get out everyday, but when it's cold, raining and windy (which it often is here) it's really not inviting.

It's been hard to avoid the news, because even if you're not watching or reading it, it's the talk on everyones lips, whether that's messaging your friends or popping to Tesco. I'm also someone that likes to see the information with my own eyes rather than hear it second hand from someone else, so I know I'm getting the full story (kind of) and I can honestly say I've found myself addicted to the news app on my iPhone this year. I probably check it up to 10 times or more a day and this can include the early hours too.. Most days I can handle it, but it's obviously gotten into my psyche and caused affect without me really seeing it as a problem. Before covid, I avoided the news, it's never been helpful to me to hear or see in detail the worlds tragedies. 

I'm also sure I'm not the only one that's probably spent 23hrs a day sat scrolling through my phone endlessly, looking at instagram seeing influencers living their best life either on a yacht in Greece, a beach in Dubai or a bar in Ibiza. Then came the guilt of not setting an alarm for 6am to smash through a full body HIIT workout... BUT comparison aside (because it's never helpful) I've looked after me this year the best I could, I've had my fair share of ups and downs, but I've navigated my way through them. I've achieved diplomas and certificates I may not have had enough time for previously and I've grown so much more as a person, I feel stronger both physically and mentally. 

Take some time before the year is out to look back and reflect, home in on all the positive things you've done, changed, seen, or heard. What stands out? What are you most proud of yourself for?

We have the ability to rewire and reframe our mind, we chose how to react to any situation, don't let things out of your control affect who you are or your choices, put yourself first and make yourself proud and be kind, always.

Sending my best wishes for the new year, keep growing, keep evolving. Don't give up.

Life is tough, but so are you.

Laura x


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